For this project, the brief asked to create an instruction manual for an object that had 7 or more parts. I chose my GoPro Hero 5 and started to draw out all the parts on my iPad using the Draw App.

At this point, I started to realize that my biggest problem was my lettering. It was difficult to get the thickness the same all around and having all my letters look uniform. When going back for feedback from my instructor (Dianne Semark) she mentioned a website called "Calligraphr". On Calligraphr I was able to print out a template and create a typeface using my own written letters on paper. These were then scanned back onto the computer and edited on the website to ensure highest quality and no gaps between letters. The process was very easy and this enabled me to have a balanced look throughout my file.

Another important part of this instruction manual was that we had to include two languages. English and either our native language, or french (because in Canada every product must be printed with both English & French translation). I chose Spanish as the second language and then edited my file accordingly. I decided that having one arrow and two different shades of blue to show language differences was the easiest and cleanest way to make this work. I thought that the sketchbook look and feel worked really well with this kind of object because it is meant to be used by travelers and outgoing, adventurous explorers. This tied in nicely with the rougher look, but still keeping everything tidy and neat because GoPro is a very sophisticated brand and does pride itself for being high-end.
The final outcome was printed on a Tabloid size piece of paper (11x17") and folded evenly to create segments and a bit more order.